8k+ reviews
Rp 50.000.000

Features 1. The 1200 l/mm holographic grating with low stray light and the optimized opitcal design ensure higher accuracy; 2. Stronger and more durable with All-aluminum die-casting base and the all-molded plastic shell make the instrument ; 3. Improved wavelength accuracy and repeatability and reduced noise by the new wavelength driving mechanism (patented); 4. High resolution TFT color LCD touch screen provides excellent display effect and simple operation; 5. Wide sample room, suitable for 5-100 mm sample holder and other accessories; 6. Self calibration and preheating countdown upon start-up; 7. Spectrum scanning function, available for the first time on the products of the same level; 8. Perfect system and file management function; 9. Automatic wavelength setting, automatic blanking; 10. Connect to printers and output measurement results directly; 11. Connect to PC by USB, and control the spectrophotometer by EasyUV software (only available to PC Model); 12. Support USB universal printer based on PCLS GUI protocol and serial micro printer; 13. Upgrade firmware by USB storage.

Vis Spectrophotometer
Features 1. The 1200 l/mm holographic grating with low stray light and the optimized opitcal design ensure higher accuracy; 2. Stronger and more durable with All-aluminum die-casting base and the all-molded plastic shell make the instrument ; 3. Improved wavelength accuracy and repeatability and reduced noise by the new wavelength driving mechanism (patented); 4. High resolution TFT color LCD touch screen provides excellent display effect and simple operation; 5. Wide sample room, suitable for 5-100 mm sample holder and other accessories; 6. Self calibration and preheating countdown upon start-up; 7. Spectrum scanning function, available for the first time on the products of the same level; 8. Perfect system and file management function; 9. Automatic wavelength setting, automatic blanking; 10. Connect to printers and output measurement results directly; 11. Connect to PC by USB, and control the spectrophotometer by EasyUV software (only available to PC Model); 12. Support USB universal printer based on PCLS GUI protocol and serial micro printer; 13. Upgrade firmware by USB storage.
1.25 kg
90 x 60 x 90 cm
XS, S, M, L, XL
Black, Orange, White
Relaxed fit shirt-style dress with a rugged


Janice Miller
April 06, 2023

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est…

Benjam Porter
April 06, 2023

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est…

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